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Teri Hatcher suggests hanging on to left-over wine and pouring it your bath to soften up your skin. Somerville says: "Wine contains a plant-chemical, resveratrol, that is known for its internal health benefits, especially for the heart. As far as in a bath, wine does contain polyphenols and antioxidants (more in red wine) which do fight free radicals.
When she's in a pinch, Catherine Zeta-Jones apparently uses strawberries to whiten her teeth. According to Somerville, "The juice or pulp of strawberries contains malic acid which serves as an astringent and can lighten surface stains.
Cindy Crawford keeps her skin super-moist by mixing some milk in with the water she spritzes on her face during the day. Somerville says: "Milk is rich in proteins, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The special property of milk protein has unique characteristics to soothe, hydrate and calm.
Debra Messing uses a Kate Somerville eye cream that contains a certain kind of snake venom to keep her alabaster skin firm and glowing. Somerville says, "This ingredient sounds scary, but it does slow the muscle response in the areas around the eye.
Jennifer Love Hewitt allegedly uses this old wives' remedy: toothpaste to dry up a pimple. Somerville's verdict? "There isn?t any science to support this, but it does work -- to an extent.
Sandra Bullock claims she learned this secret on the set of 'Miss Congeniality 2': She uses hemorrhoid cream under her eyes to reduce puffiness and wrinkles.
Halle Berry allegedly mixes coffee grinds into her body wash to keep her rear looking smooth and firm. Somerville says, "Theoretically, this could work. Caffeine is a stimulant and diuretic and when applied to skin it increases blood flow, thus detoxifying and breaking up cellulite-causing toxins and fatty deposits.
We hear Julia Roberts soaks her nails in olive oil to keep her cuticles and her hands soft. Somerville concurs: "Olive oil is rich in fatty acids, specifically, omega-9. It also contains vitamins E and K.
We hear Eva Langoria uses an expensive facial cream that contains placenta protein to keep her face radiant. However, Somerville says, "Placenta cream is fairly controversial. Placenta extracts contain highly active enzymes, proteins, vitamins, anti-oxidants and amino acids important to skin regeneration.
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